SBL - Surveying the Bay Ltd
SBL stands for Surveying the Bay Ltd
Here you will find, what does SBL stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Surveying the Bay Ltd? Surveying the Bay Ltd can be abbreviated as SBL What does SBL stand for? SBL stands for Surveying the Bay Ltd. What does Surveying the Bay Ltd mean?The civil engineering business firm is located in Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.
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Alternative definitions of SBL
- Standard Bank London
- Symbol Technologies, Inc.
- School Based Leadership
- Spamhaus Block List
- Southern Bicycle League
- Structural Biology Laboratory
- Seeing The Bible Live
- Santa Ana, Bolivia
View 150 other definitions of SBL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SDT Suzi Davis Travel
- SH The Summer House
- SDS Shop Data Systems
- SMSLF SMS Law Firm
- SSG Solo Services Group
- SCML Source Contact Management Limited
- SEG Star Enterprises Global
- SREF Star Real Estate Florida
- SMCG Shop Marketing and Creative Group
- SCC Swiss Concussion Center
- SCE Sano Consulting Engineers
- SGS Summersville Grade School
- SOCSMG South Orange County Surgical Medical Group
- SGVHH San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity
- SF Six c Fabrication
- SH Splashes of Hope
- SCL Surrey Cedar Ltd.
- SKTG SK Technology Group
- SOS Sports and Orthopaedic Specialists